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Contact and Booking Information

David Michael's appearance is how he supports his mission work in Latvia and Eastern Europe. David Michael would love to come and share his heart, music, and message at your church, home group, or Christian event. Links below are some ideas on how David Michael can serve your church or Christian event through his different speaking and music presentations.

Feel free to contact us at +1-317 641-3600 or email us at

In Latvia
David Michael Carrillo
St Gregors Education Center
Leila iela 26, Saldus LV-3801 Latvia
Phone: +371 20088849

In The United States
David Michael Carrillo
GentleWind Ministries International
PO Box 44601 Indianapolis, IN 46244
Phone: 1 (317) 641-3600

Gregors Education Center.jpg

In The United States
David Michael Carrillo

SON Network


5901-J Wyoming Blvd NE

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87113

1 (505) 994-3278


Cost & Fee's

David Michael does not charge a certain fee to come and share.

We leave it up to the Lord to guide the leadership of the Church or Christian organization concerning love offerings or honorarium amounts. The only "up front" cost we would ask for is for gas for traveling & to provide a host family to house David Michael during his time with you.

David Michael knows that some invitations may come from places that would be considered “missions” and he may need to cover all of his travel.  With all invitations, he will ask the Lord if this is where He would want him to go minister.  If he feels a “yes”, David Michael is confident that the Lord will supply the finances.


David Michael's love offerings, honorarium, and product donations help support his continuing mission work in Latvia.

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