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Lutheran Musicianary to Latvia

About David Michael Carrillo
David Michael Carrillo is an ordained minister of the Gospel and an award-winning accomplished musician thus the title “Musicianary”.
Since 1994, He has been a welcomed guest preacher/singer in numerous Lutheran churches, conferences, seminars, conventions, and retreats Internationally.

He served for a season at Trinity Lutheran Church in Oregon City, Oregon as a worship leader in 1997.

Currently, David Michael is a member and supported missionary of Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church in Indianapolis, Indiana.

His music, ministry, and call to missions were born out of his relationship with Jesus Christ which began at the age of 6 in 1972. Growing up, he faced the challenges of having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, (ADHD), learning disabilities, and being rejected by his peers.

In the fall of 2002, David Michael began offering a presentation on Living with ADHD to schools, churches, and other organizations. David openly shares the challenges an ADHD person will face in their academic, social skills, emotional, and spiritual life. His 2006 book release, “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made: My Christian Journey with ADHD", has helped countless parents and teachers understand the struggles a child with ADHD goes through.

As a “Musicianary” David Michael travels around the world preaching and singing the grace-filled Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has partnered up with, a Lutheran Mission ministry that has outreaches in Latvia, Ukraine, Estonia, Slovakia, Albania, and other post-Soviet Union nations.

When not traveling on tour, David Michael lives and serves as one of the pastors and teachers at St Gregors Education Center in Saldus, Latvia. He also serves and works through The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia.
He also enjoys spending time with his Latvian host family in the rural countryside of Striķi. Three former students of Striķi school, Kristaps, Līga, and Markus have “adopted” him as one of their own, giving him the privilege and honor of being a “dad” to them.

In every way, David Michael Carrillo shared the joy and peace of the Gospel with enthusiasm and clarity.”
James R. Stuck, Former Bishop of the Indiana-Kentucky congregation Synod.


His Message
"The Life-Changing Adventure" :Luke5:1-11
Sharing from the Gospel of Luke and the account of Jesus calling Peter to follow him, Pastor David Michael shares his incredible story of how the Lord called him to be a "Musicianary" to Latvia. He shares briefly about Latvia's history and the joys and challenges he faces in the mission field of the former Soviet Country.
This is perfect for Sunday school hour or a mission conference. Also, perfect for a Sunday Morning service/sermon time. A few songs are included in this presentation.

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made: Psalms 139:13-14
Pastor David Michael shares his personal story of the struggles and challenges he faced growing up with A.D.H.D, learning disabilities, and peer rejection, and how the Lord now uses it in his life as a "Musicianary" to Latvia. A few songs are included in this presentation.

The Dusty Road: Luke 15:11-24      
Pastor David Michael's moving message of the parable of the lost son and the Father who waited for him to come home.

The Unlikely People the Lord Uses: John 1:29-42
In this message, Pastor David Michael takes a look at 3 unlikely people the Lord would use to spread the Gospel. A message to remind us the Lord will use anyone with a willing heart. A few songs are included in this presentation.

Guest Preacher for Sunday Morning Worship
Pastor David Michael has been a welcome guest Lutheran preacher for Sunday morning worship service in the Lutheran church internationally.
MP3s of David Michael's sermons are also available.

“Pastor David Michael Carrillo’s is theological grounding and would describe his preaching style as very passionate, text-based and grounded in the Gospel of Jesus. He preaches and shares music that is well-suited to the message of grace by faith.”
Mark Wilhelm, Pastor,
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church, Indianapolis IN

His Music Ministry
Hymns & Praise for Lutheran Worship
For the Sunday morning traditional service, David Michael leads the congregation in well-known beloved hymns from the Lutheran church hymnbook.

For the contemporary and blended worship services, he leads in well-known praise and worship songs that are fitting for Lutheran worship.

An Evening of Hymns, Psalms & Praise
David Michael presents an evening of reflective, worshipful, and uplifting music, Bible readings, and prayers.
A great "Spiritual musical retreat" for the whole family to enjoy.

The Life-Changing Adventure (A time of personal sharing, music, and missions) Combining God's Word, personal stories & songs, David Michael shares about the challenges he had growing up with learning disabilities A.D.H.D and peer rejection. He also shares about the healing power of the Gospel that delivered him from the fear of people and self-doubt that developed as a teenager and young adult and the unlikely way the Lord called & confirmed his call to missions to the country of Latvia and beyond.
Musically, David Michael interweaves the beloved Hymns, Worship songs, and his own Bible-based composition using a variety of musical styles that has allowed David Michael to be a welcomed guest in many denominational churches with worship service styles ranging from very traditional to contemporary.

“Our people appreciated David’s personal way of sharing his worshipful, Christ-centered music. I appreciated his flexibility, the range of musical styles and the selections at his disposal, and his sensitivity to the needs of our congregation. He really came with a servant’s heart and shared in a skillful and effective manner”
Mark Bertermann Associate Pastor,

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Portland, OR

Amazing Grace - David Michael Carrillo
00:00 / 00:00

Through Pastor David Michael's speaking and singing engagements in the States, he can raise his mission support to continue his missionary work in Latvia and throughout Europe.

Would you prayerfully consider having David Michael come and share at your next church service or Christian event?

He is currently booking for his mission support tour from, August 10th through November 9th, 2025. He is available for Sunday services, midweek services, evening concerts, School chapel services, Home groups, conferences, and retreats.

All Love Offerings and Music sales go towards David Michael's continuing mission work in Latvia and Eastern Europe.


            About David Michael's Call to Latvia.   Speaking Topics  Music Presentation


To set up an event with Pastor David Michael,
contact us at (317) 641-3600

In The States
David Michael Carrillo
GentleWind Ministries International
PO Box 44601
Indianapolis, IN 46244
Phone: (317) 641-3600

In Latvia
David Michael Carrillo
St Gregors Education Center
Leila iela 26, Saldus LV-3801 Latvia
Phone: +371 20088849

David Michael Carrillo

SON Network

5901-J Wyoming Blvd NE

Albuquerque, NM 87109  USA

+1 (505) 994-3278

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