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Speaking Topics

David Michael is an ordained minister of the Gospel, Inspirational and Seminar speaker.
Here are just some of the sermons and topics he has given.

Personal Testimony 

Life-Changing Adventure (Luke 5:1-11)
David Michael shares his incredible story of how the Lord called him to be a "Musicianary" in Latvia. He shares Latvia's history and the joys and challenges of working in the mission field of the former Soviet Country.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Psalms 139)

David Michael shares his personal story of the struggles and challenges he faced growing up with ADHD, learning disabilities, and peer rejection and how the Lord now uses it in his life as a "Musicianary" to Latvia. A few songs are included in this presentation.

Sharing about my Call to Latvia on WISH TV

Topical Sermons and Messages

He is Willing ( Mark 1:40-45) MP3 available
David Michael's powerful message about the cleansing of the man with Leprosy.

The Dusty Road (Luke 15 :11-24)

David Michael's moving message of the parable of the lost son and the Father who waited for him to come home.

He Understands ( Matthew 4:1-11) MP3 available
David Michael shares how the temptation that Jesus face can aid us when we are tempted.

You'll Never Walk Alone (Isaiah 43:1-3) MP3 available
A timely message for the uncertain times we face, David Michael shares how the Lord who made us, walks with us no matter what life may bring our way.

From Bondage to Blessing (Luke:13-10-17) MP3 available
David Michael reminds us that the same Jesus who set free a women from bondage of 18 years, 2000 years ago, is the same Jesus who can set us free from what ever bondage we may be in today.


The Unlikely People the Lord Uses (John 1:29-42) MP3 available
In this message, David Michael takes a look at 3 unlikely people the Lord would use to spread the Gospel. A reminder that the Lord will use anyone with a willing heart.

Seminar and Workshop Topics

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made:Living with ADHD

Since the fall of 2002, David Michael has been offering a speaking presentation on ADHD to schools, churches, and other organizations. In the presentation,David Michael openly shares about the challenges an ADHD person will face in their academics , social skills , emotional and spiritual life. Parents, teacher's and pastors have responded positively to David Michael's presentation coming from both a Christian perspective and from a person who lives with the challenge of ADHD.

For more detailed information, go to "Living with ADHD'' .

TV Interview: Living with ADHD

David Michael Carrillo-Harvest TV show

The Single Heart
At age 59, David Michael has found himself a part of the growing population of single adults with 50 percent of single adults over the age of 20 having never been married. David Michael shares 5 life principles that have helped him deal with the unique challenges that single adults face

David Michael Carrillo-The Single Heart

When Helping Becomes A Trap- Co-Dependency
 In this session, David Michael shares a personal story of trying to help someone out of their problem only to be pulled into it. This resulted in a very unhealthy co-depended and emotional abusive relationship.

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